You can make a donation to support a charity based upon our criteria
for selection, either one we already support or a new organisation. In
every case 100% of your donation will go to the charity or charitable
Own a Project. For donations of £3,000 and above, we can help you to find a charity or charitable project that you can fully support as the sole
Note: If you would prefer your larger donation to be spread across multiple projects, we can also help distribute your funds.
Contribute Towards a Specific Charity or Project that we support
For donations of more than £1,000 you can contribute towards a
specific project. Your contribution will be pooled with other
Donate to FMS and Support a Group of Projects
For contributions of less than £1,000 you can donate to FMS, safe in the knowledge that we will ensure that 100% of your donation will go towards a worthwhile cause.
Please do get in touch
to discuss how, in partnership, through your donation, we can make a difference.